
“Lose your mind and come to your senses” – Fritz Perls


First of all I want to congratulate you for taking the initial steps to healing. Research states the mere fact that you’re here right now, reading this website, you’ve already made a difference to your emotional relief.  Before reading on, I want you to think about these questions…

  • What happened to bring you to this point?
  • As you read this, how are you feeling in your body? What are you noticing through your senses?
  • Are you aware of what support you need in order to move forward?
  • Are you aware of any blocks that are stopping you from doing so?

It’s ok if you don’t know the answers to these questions. The important thing is that you begin to think about your experience on a deeper level.  Change cannot happen without awareness.  So regardless whether you feel I’m the right therapist for you, my hope is you leave my website with a new experience, having even the smallest shift in thought or feeling that takes you further on your path to healing.

Panel 1

A Little Bit About Me

I am passionate about finding one’s truth, and fostering the courage to live it.


I am passionate about tapping into my truth, which requires daily patience and work. In turn, I am passionate about finding other people’s truth with them, and fostering the courage to live it.  In other words, I am dedicated to helping you live an authentic life.  I personally have struggled with perfectionism throughout my life, thus I have deep empathy for others who struggle with that inner critic who constantly whispers the lie, ‘never good enough’…

After acting professionally for 16 years, I began to want a life more rooted in service to others.  The healing capacity for integrating the wisdom of the body’s experience and the mind’s knowledge has always been an interest of mine, so I completed a Bachelor of Honours with a double major in Psychology and Kinesiology from York University.  I went on to complete a 2-year intensive Masters program in Counselling Psychology at McGill University, after which I continued onto the Doctoral program in the same field.  I soon realized that academia was not the road for me; it fed my ego, and starved my heart as a clinician.  I decided to leave the prestigious world of grants and publications to pursue a more authentic life for me.  I am currently living more freely, continuing my studies at the Gestalt Institute of Toronto to become a certified Gestalt therapist.


Panel 2

My Approach

I will not handicap you by fixing your problem, but empower you by helping you solve it.


I will not fix you, or save you, or even tell you what to do.  I will, however, hold a container that will safely allow you to explore your own experience through questions and gentle humour.

I come from both an academic background, and a more embodied approach.  Similar to my path to therapy, I believe both have provided me invaluable insight into how I work with clients.  The rigour and determination from academia provides structure and discipline to my creative and intuitive style with clients.  Although I am formerly trained in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), I am increasingly more drawn to the body-based, experiential approach of Gestalt Therapy as I’ve developed as a clinician and as a person.  Aside from these two modalities, I also have training in Mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Emotion-Focused Therapy, to which I draw from depending on the individual needs of my client.

Most importantly, I believe the relationship between therapist and client is of ultimate importance, and provides the bedrock for any and all client change.

Panel 3

My Services

The biggest barrier to learn anything, is the belief you’ve already learned it.

I see clients Sunday’s – Wednesday’s, and provide a 20-min free consultation.

I work with individuals struggling with various issues including, but not limited to:

  • Addictions
  • Alexithymia
  • Anxiety
  • Codependency
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders/Disordered eating
  • Gender identity
  • Low self-esteem
  • Perfectionism
  • Personal growth
  • Relationship issues
  • Sexual issues
  • Trauma

My fee is $200 for an individual therapy session.

Panel 4

Contact Me


Contact Form (Contact Me Page)


Phone:             647-691-5484

Email:             [email protected]

Location:         211 Danforth Ave, Health Centre, Toronto, Ontario, M4K 1N2

I am a member of the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) #005183



